Gush Etzion’s schools are among the most distinguished in Israel. From the beginning, it has been the goal of the Regional Council to constantly improve the education in its schools and institutions and within its communities. The wellness of our children – their intellectual and moral preparation for life – are our foremost responsibility. This is our deep-rooted conviction and our commitment to the residents of Gush Etzion.
There are 28 diverse elementary and high schools all over Gush Etzion. We are happy to provide you with additional information and contacts to help you choose the best schools for your children, as well as to help you with registration.
The following schools have the most resources for new olim:
Kedem is located in Nokdim and serves the population of Eastern Gush Etzion. It is a "meshalev" (students from both religous and secular backgrounds) school.
Neve Harel (boys) and Neve HaShachar (girls) are located in Neve Daniel and serve the population of western Gush Etzion. They are each a mama"d torani (religous public school with extra hours of kodesh (Jewish) studies).
Department of Education (“Chinuch”)
Maon (Daycare)
Meonot are for children up to 3 years old. They run Sunday through Thursday, 7:00am-4:00pm and Fridays, 7:00am-1:00pm, from the start of the school year until August. Your olim coordinator can help you with registration.
Gan (Preschool, ages 3-5 including kindergarden)
Registration for ganim usually takes place in January. To register for ganim, please click here or contact your olim coordinator. You may save a spot in gan before you get here as long as you have a signed lease or other proof of intended residency. There are ganim for all ages on each yishuv.
In case of problems or questions, please be in touch with the ganim department by email – [email protected] or by phone 02-993-9972.
Ganim run Sunday-Thursday until 4pm (kindergarden) or 2pm (Gan 3-4) with an option of extended care ("Tzaharon") until 4pm. On Friday, the ganim run until 12:45 (Gan 3-4) or until 12:00 (kindergarden). To register for Tzaharon,
please click here.
All Gush Etzion residents are guaranteed a place in a school in their area, regardless of date of registration. However, it is highly recommended to be in touch with the school to let them know that you plan to register your child.
If your child is entering 1st grade, please contact the Education Department. Otherwise, registration is directly through the school. The Aliyah Department is glad to advise and assist with the registration process.
School Transportation System (hasaot)
Students who live in Gush Etzion are eligible for free transportation to the schools in their area. Each Yishuv has marked bus stops, and students get on at the most convenient stop.
The Moetza website includes a schedule with details of pick-up times of buses at each stop here.
Note – If your child studies in Jerusalem or elsewhere, call the Moetza to find out if you are eligible for a Moetza ha’saa (school bus) to Jerusalem: 02-9939930.
In special cases, you may contact Yehudit, the transportation coordinator at the municipality: [email protected] or 02-9939942
Hebrew help
All new students in their first year of aliyah, from first grade and onwards, are entitled to ulpan enrichment at school at least once a week. In addition, there is a bat sherut appointed specifically to work with new Olim in schools with a high concentration of olim. Selected families also receive home visits by the bat sherut on a weekly basis for help with homework and fun Hebrew enrichment.
School culture/Teacher communication
There are parent-teacher conferences two-three times a year, but it is recommended to reach out to your children’s teachers to hear how they are progressing academically and socially. Don’t hesitate to give a call to the teachers and yoatzim (guidance counselors). Our olim coordinator also serves as a liason between olim families and school in order to ensure that the children's absorption goes as smoothly as possible.
Special Education
If you are making Aliyah with a child who has special education needs, please contact the Regional Special Education Coordinator at the moatza, by phone 02-9939949 / 050-4012083 or by email [email protected].
It is highly recommended to be in contact well before you arrive in Israel. A ‘Placement Committee’ (va’adat hasama) will take place, which will assess your child’s needs and determine what placement (which school? type of classroom?) will best fit your child. It is very important to start this process as early as you can manage because it can take time to complete.
Afikim Center for Gifted Children
Afikim is a weekly program for gifted children from Gush Etzion, Efrat, and Kiryat Arba. The program takes place during a full school day and transportation is provided. Students from all schools take a screening test in second grade, and the top 3% of students are accepted into the program. This test is offered in foreign languages for olim students. Among the subjects covered in Afikim are architecture, landscaping, art, creative thinking, astrophysics, chemistry, law, debate, mathematical thinking, science and research, neuroscience, and more.
Matnas Gush Etzion
Community Center (Matnas) 02-993-7999
The Matnas of Gush Etzion offers a variety of services for local residents of all ages. The main branch is located in Givah haTzeuba (close to Alon Shvut) beside the Moetza, but the Matnas organizes activities and events all around Gush Etzion.
Some services to take note of are:
Chugim (extra-curricular activities)
There are a wide range of activities for children and adults, which take place at the Matnas or in the yishuvim. Some programs include: basketball, soccer, tae-kwan-do, chess, musical instruments, art, gymnastics, electronics, theatre, dance and much more!
Exercise Club and Swimming Pool
A swimming pool and a gym (with separates hours) as well as a women’s Fitness Studio are located next to the Matnas (Community Center) and offer a wild range of exercise classes and options.
Every month there are a variety of cultural events, which take place at the Matnas, including movies, stand-up comedy, concerts, plays, sport events and more.
Big Brother/Sister Program
The Matnas works with local high school volunteers to coordinate big sisters or brothers for the younger olim students. For more information – please be in touch with the olim coordinator.